Computer words that start with Q

List computer words starting with Q. Each word comes with a simple explanation to help you understand key tech concepts and build your computer vocabulary, especially those starting with “Q.”

Computer Terms that start with Q

Here is the list of Computer words that start with Q with Meaning:

QueryA request for information from a database or system
QueueA sequence of tasks waiting to be processed
Quick AccessA feature that allows fast access to frequently used files or folders
QuicksortA sorting algorithm that uses a divide-and-conquer strategy
Quantum ComputingComputing using quantum-mechanical phenomena like superposition and entanglement
QoS (Quality of Service)A set of technologies to manage network traffic efficiently
Quad-coreA processor with four independent cores
Query LanguageA programming language used to make queries in databases
QuarantineIsolating files suspected to be malicious in computer security
QuotaA limit set on the amount of data or resources a user can use
QuickTimeA multimedia framework by Apple for handling various digital formats
QubitBasic unit of quantum information in quantum computing
QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)A modulation technique used in telecommunication signals
Quad-bandA mobile phone that operates on four frequency bands
QuorumThe minimum number of members required for a decision in a distributed system
QFP (Quad Flat Package)A type of IC packaging with flat leads extending from four sides
Query ProcessorThe component in a database system that interprets and executes queries
Quick LaunchA feature allowing applications to be started quickly
Quick FormatA fast way to erase data from a storage device without scanning for bad sectors
QuickTime PlayerA media player developed by Apple to play various multimedia formats
Quality AssuranceProcess of ensuring that products meet the required standards
Quiet ModeA computer feature that reduces noise by lowering power usage or fan speed
QuadruplexA four-part signal transmission technique
Qubit MappingThe assignment of logical qubits to physical qubits in quantum computing
QuickBooksAccounting software developed by Intuit for small and medium-sized businesses
Quantum Key DistributionA method of secure communication that uses quantum mechanics for encryption
QualcommA company known for developing mobile and telecommunications technology
Quantum DotA semiconductor nanostructure that can emit light of various colors
Query OptimizationImproving the efficiency of queries in databases
Quantum CircuitA sequence of quantum gates acting on qubits
Quick SortA highly efficient sorting algorithm
Quiescent StateThe state of a system or device when it is inactive or at rest
QWERTY KeyboardThe most common keyboard layout for English language
Quantum AlgorithmA step-by-step process for solving problems using quantum computing
QoE (Quality of Experience)A measure of user satisfaction with a service, particularly in networks
QuakeA first-person shooter video game series known for its technical advancements
Quantum Random Number GeneratorA device that uses quantum mechanics to generate truly random numbers
Queue ManagementTechniques for organizing and prioritizing tasks in a queue
Query Execution PlanA sequence of operations that the database uses to retrieve data
Quick Response (QR) CodeA two-dimensional barcode that can store information
Quantum NetworkingThe use of quantum signals for communication between devices
Quick Response TimeThe speed at which a system responds to user input
Qualitative DataNon-numerical information that describes characteristics or qualities
Quantum ChannelA communication path that uses quantum signals
Quick Access ToolbarA customizable toolbar that provides easy access to frequently used commands
Qualified NameA name that specifies an object’s context, usually used in programming
Quad-bufferingA technology used to improve graphics rendering performance
Quality FactorA measure of how well a circuit or device retains energy

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