Here you will find the most important 11th class Computer Science solved exercise MCQs with answers from chapter 10 (Information Networks). All the correct answers have been bold. These class 11th computer science MCQs are special because they’re created by experienced teachers who know exactly what you need to learn.
1st Year Computer Chapter 10 MCQs With Answer
Here are the mcqs of Class 11 Chapter 10 mcqs with answers:
1. A computer can be linked to the internet through:
a) A phone-line modem
b) DSL
c) Cable modem
d) All
2. Which of the following is an email client?
a) Internet explorer
b) Outlook Express
c) Google
d) None
3. Which of the following protocols is used to access web pages on the World Wide Web?
b) Gopher
4. Which of the following is used to find information on the World Wide Web?
a) Web Browser
b) Web server
c) Search Engine
d) Website
5. The length of an IP address is:
a) 8 bit
b) 16 bit
c) 32 bit
d) 64 bit
6. Which of the following is a protocol?
b. com
d. URL
7. An initial Internet that connected four university computer systems was called:
a. Intranet
c. NSFNet
d. CERNet
8. ______ was a wide area network connecting a small number of users.
c. ISP
d. Internet
9. A______ is a computer that provides services to other computers of the network.
a. Host
c. Protocol
d. URL
10. The high-speed connections that form the major pathways of the Internet are called:
a. Server
b. Platform
c. Protocol
d. Backbone
11. TCP/IP stands for:
a. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
b. Transfer Collector protocol/International Protocol
c. Transitional Covered Protocol/Intranet Protocol
d. Transferred Collected Protocol/Internet Protocol
12. The USA Defense Department initiated the Internet in:
a. 1969
b. 1976
c. 1978
d. 1980
13. ARPA stands for:
a. American Rational Program Association
b. Advanced Residential Programming Association
c. Advanced Research Project Agency
d. Arizona’s Russian Program of Association
14. DARPA stands for:
a. Defensive Association of Russian Policy with America
b. Dared Association of Republic Partition
c. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
d. Defensive Advanced Regional Political Agency
15. Who owns the Internet?
a. U.S. Government
b. Pak Telecom
c. United Nations
d. None
16. How many types of addressing schemes are used on the Internet?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 5
d. 8
17. Every host computer on the Internet has a(n):
a. Similar IP address
b. Unique 15-digit number
c. Unique IP address
d. Common name and number
18. The length of the IP-V4 address is:
a. 4 bits
b. 16 bits
c. 32 bits
d. 256 bits
19. In a 32-bit IP addressing scheme, the value of the address ranges from:
a. 0 to 31
b. 0 to 127
c. 0 to 255
d. Unlimited
20. The four numbers in an IP address are called:
a. Octets
b. Codec
c. Octal
d. Bytes
21. An IPv4 address is normally expressed as four octets separated by:
a. Dotted decimal number
b. Dotted binary number
c. Dotted octal number
d. Dotted hex number
22. is an example of a(n) ______.
a. Protocol
b. Domain name
c. DNS
d. IP address
23. Which of the following contains a permanent IP address?
a. Client
b. Server
c. User
d. NIC
24. A type of IP address that does not change frequently is known as:
a. Constant
b. Permanent
c. Static
d. Fixed
25. The system that translates an IP address into a human-readable name is called:
a. IP system
b. Domain name system
c. Domain
d. Domain numbering system
26. A domain name is the text version of:
a. IP address
b. Hyperlink
c. Hypertext
27. .com, .edu and .gov are examples of:
a. Top-level domain
b. Tag
c. Protocol
d. Email
28. Which of the following is a top-level domain?
b. .com
d. URL
29. All of the following are top-level domains EXCEPT:
a. .edu
b. .org
c. .gov
d. bus
30 The Internet differentiates between one computer from another using:
a. Architecture
b. Manufacturer
c. IP address
d. All