Computer words that start with O

Computers use many special words. These words help us understand how computers work and what they can do. Below is a comprehensive list of computer-related ‘O’ words and short descriptions. It enables you to build your tech vocabulary.

Computer Terms that start with the Letter O

Here is the list of Computer words that begin with O with Meaning:

ObjectA programming concept representing a data structure with properties and methods
OOPObject-Oriented Programming; a programming paradigm based on objects
Operating SystemSoftware that manages computer hardware and provides services for computer programs
OutputData produced by a computer program or device
Open SourceSoftware whose source code is freely available for modification and distribution
Optical DriveDevice for reading and writing data on optical discs like CDs and DVDs
OverclockingIncreasing a computer component’s clock rate to boost performance
OverflowWhen a calculation produces a result too large for the allocated space
OAuthOpen standard for access delegation, commonly used for secure authorization
OctalBase-8 number system, often used in computing
OCROptical Character Recognition; technology to convert images of text into machine-encoded text
OLEDOrganic Light-Emitting Diode; a type of display technology
OnlineConnected to a computer network or the internet
OfflineNot connected to a computer network or the internet
OptimizerSoftware tool that improves performance or efficiency of code or systems
OLAPOnline Analytical Processing; technology for quickly analyzing multidimensional data
ORMObject-Relational Mapping; technique for converting data between incompatible type systems
OSI ModelOpen Systems Interconnection model; conceptual model of networking protocols
OverwriteTo replace existing data with new data
ObfuscationDeliberately making source code difficult to understand
OWASPOpen Web Application Security Project; organization focused on software security
Optical FiberTechnology used for high-speed data transmission
Overflow ErrorAn error that occurs when a program tries to store more data than a variable can hold
OpenGLOpen Graphics Library; API for rendering 2D and 3D graphics
OutlinerSoftware tool for organizing information hierarchically
OrchestrationAutomated configuration, coordination, and management of computer systems and software
OTAOver-the-air; method of distributing software updates wirelessly
OAuth 2.0Industry-standard protocol for authorization
OpenAIArtificial intelligence research laboratory
OnboardingProcess of integrating a new user into a software system
OpcodeOperation Code; part of a machine language instruction that specifies the operation to be performed
OperandValue or variable on which an operation is performed
OperatorSymbol used to perform operations in programming languages
Optical MouseComputer mouse that uses light to detect movement
Optical DiskA storage medium that uses laser light for reading and writing data
OpenSSLOpen-source implementation of SSL and TLS protocols
Orphaned FileA file that remains on a system but is no longer linked to any program or user
OverloadingDefining multiple methods with the same name but different parameters
OverlayThe technique of loading program segments into memory when needed
One-Time PasswordPassword that is valid for only one login session or transaction
OntologyFormal representation of a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between them
Open DatabaseDatabase management system that allows access from multiple users and applications
OpenIDDecentralized authentication protocol
OptimizationProcess of modifying a system to improve its efficiency or performance
OracleMajor database management system and technology corporation
OscillatorAn electronic circuit that produces a periodic signal
Out-of-bandCommunication that occurs on a separate channel from the main data
OutboundData or traffic leaving a network or system
Outer JoinType of join operation in databases that include unmatched rows
OversamplingThe technique of sampling a signal at a higher rate than necessary to improve resolution or reduce

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