Computer words that start with P

Computers use many special words. These words help us understand how computers work and what they can do. Below is a comprehensive list of Computer Words that start with the letter P and short descriptions. It enables you to build your tech vocabulary.

Computer Words start with letter P

Here is the list of Computer words that start with P with Meaning:

PasswordA secret set of characters used for authentication
PrinterDevice for producing hard copies of digital documents
ProcessorA central component of a computer that executes instructions
ProgramSet of instructions that tell a computer how to perform a task
ProtocolSet of rules governing data communication
ProxyA server that acts as an intermediary for client requests
PortInterface on a computer for connecting devices or networks
PixelThe smallest unit of a digital image
PythonPopular high-level programming language
PHPServer-side scripting language for web development
PointerA variable that stores the memory address of another variable
Plug-inA software component that adds specific features to an existing program
PatchSoftware updates to fix bugs or improve functionality
PingNetwork utility to test the reachability of a host
PlatformBase hardware or software for other applications to run on
PartitionLogical division of a hard drive
PeripheralAn external device connected to a computer
PhishingFraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information
POP3Post Office Protocol version 3, used for retrieving email
PowerShellTask automation and configuration management framework
PacketUnit of data transmitted over a network
ParseProcess of analyzing a string of symbols in computer language
ParityError-checking technique in data transmission
PermalinkPermanent URL to a specific web page
PetabyteUnit of digital information equal to 10^15 bytes
PiracyUnauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted material
Parallel ProcessingSimultaneous use of multiple processors for a task
ParameterA variable that is passed to a function
PayloadActual data transmitted in a data packet
Peer-to-PeerDecentralized network where each node acts as both client and server
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect, a computer bus standard
PDFPortable Document Format, a file format for documents
PentiumSeries of x86 microprocessors made by Intel
PerlHigh-level, general-purpose programming language
PhotoshopPopular image editing software
PicosecondOne trillionth of a second, used in computing speeds
Pivot TableData summarization tool in spreadsheet software
Pixel DensityNumber of pixels per unit of length in a display
PlaintextUnencrypted text
PlotterOutput device for printing vector graphics
Plug-and-PlayA feature allowing automatic device configuration
PolymorphismThe ability of objects to take on multiple forms in OOP
PortalWeb site that serves as a starting point to other destinations
PostScriptPage description language in electronic publishing
Power SupplyComponent that supplies power to a computer
Primary KeyUnique identifier for a record in a database table
Private KeyThe secret key used in asymmetric cryptography
ProcedureSubroutine or function in programming
Programming LanguageFormal language for giving instructions to a computer
PrototypeAn early sample or model of a product

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