Computer words that start with J with Meaning

Computers use many special words. These words help us understand how computers work and what they can do. Below is a comprehensive list of computer-related ‘J’ words, along with short descriptions. It helps you build your tech vocabulary.

Computer Terms that start with the Letter J

Here is the list of Computer words that begin with J with Meaning:

JavaA popular object-oriented programming language
JavaScriptA high-level, interpreted programming language
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group; a common image file format
JSONJavaScript Object Notation; a lightweight data interchange format
JVMJava Virtual Machine; an execution environment for Java bytecode
JITJust-In-Time compilation; a method to improve runtime performance
JARJava Archive; a package file format typically used to aggregate Java class files
JDBCJava Database Connectivity; an API for connecting Java to databases
JSPJavaServer Pages; a technology for developing web pages with Java
JREJava Runtime Environment; software package for running Java applications
jQueryA fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library
JBODJust a Bunch Of Disks; a storage system using multiple hard drives
JitterUnwanted variation of one or more signal characteristics in electronics and telecommunications
JoystickAn input device consisting of a stick that pivots on a base
JTAGJoint Test Action Group; an industry standard for verifying designs and testing printed circuit boards
JNDIJava Naming and Directory Interface; an API for directory services
JCLJob Control Language; a scripting language used on IBM mainframe operating systems
JumperA short wire used to close, open or bypass part of an electronic circuit
JupyterAn open-source web application for creating and sharing documents containing live code
JoomlaA free and open-source content management system
JFSJournaled File System; a file system technology created by IBM
JaggiesAliasing in computer graphics that causes stair-like lines
Java BeansReusable software components for Java
JavaScript EngineA program or interpreter that executes JavaScript code
JailbreakThe process of removing software restrictions imposed by iOS
J2EEJava 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition; a set of specifications for enterprise Java
JabberAn open technology for real-time communication
JammmingDeliberate interference with wireless communications
JDKJava Development Kit; a software development environment for Java
JetpackA plugin that supercharges WordPress sites with powerful features
JPEG 2000An image compression standard and coding system
Jumbo FrameAn Ethernet frame with more than 1500 bytes of payload
JunctionIn NTFS, a type of reparse point that acts as a symbolic link to a directory
JuliaA high-level dynamic programming language designed for high-performance numerical analysis
JScriptMicrosoft’s implementation of the ECMAScript specification
JobA unit of work or execution in a computer system
JoinAn SQL clause to combine rows from two or more tables
JSAPIJavaScript API; a set of JavaScript functions for web development
JSFJavaServer Faces; a Java specification for building component-based user interfaces for web applications
JSXJavaScript XML; a syntax extension for JavaScript often used with React
JUnitA unit testing framework for Java programming language
Jumbo PacketA network packet that exceeds the standard Ethernet frame size
Jupyter NotebookAn open-source web application for creating and sharing documents with live code
JukeboxA large-capacity optical disk storage device
JetDirectHP’s technology for network-connected printers
Jaz DriveA discontinued removable disk storage system
Jpeg ArtifactVisual distortion caused by JPEG compression
Jog DialA type of rotary electrical switch often used for menu navigation
JustifyTo align text evenly along the left and right margins

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