Computer words that start with F with Meaning

Computers use many special words. These words help us understand how computers work and what they can do. Below is a comprehensive list of computer-related ‘F’ words and short descriptions. It helps you build your tech vocabulary.

Computer Terms that start with the Letter F

Here is the list of Computer words that began with F with Meaning:

FirmwareSoftware programmed into hardware devices
FirewallA network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing traffic
FileA collection of data stored in a computer
FTPFile Transfer Protocol; a standard network protocol for transferring files
FrameworkA platform for developing software applications
Flash DriveA portable USB storage device
FormattingPreparing a storage device for use or arranging text in a document
FATFile Allocation Table; a file system used in storage devices
FrontendThe user interface and user experience layer of a software application
FunctionA self-contained module of code that accomplishes a specific task
Fiber OpticA high-speed data transmission technology using light pulses
FragmentationThe scattering of parts of a file across different areas of a disk
FreewareSoftware that is available for use at no cost
FrequencyThe number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time
FLOPSFloating Point Operations Per Second; a measure of computer performance
FilterA program or process that selectively screens data
FlagA marker or indicator used in programming
Flash MemoryNon-volatile computer memory that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed
FlowchartA diagram representing a process, system or computer algorithm
FontA set of printable or displayable text characters in a specific style and size
FormAn interface element used to collect user input
ForumAn online discussion site
FPGAField-Programmable Gate Array; an integrated circuit designed to be configured after manufacturing
FrameA data structure that contains information about a particular object
FPSFrames Per Second; a measure of display device performance
FSBFront Side Bus; a computer communication interface
Full DuplexA communication system where both parties can communicate simultaneously
Full-StackRelating to the entire depth of a computer system or application
Fuzzy LogicA form of many-valued logic based on approximate reasoning
FaviconA small icon associated with a website
FAQFrequently Asked Questions; a list of common queries and answers
Fault ToleranceThe ability of a system to continue operating in the event of a failure
FetchThe action of retrieving data or instructions from memory
FIFOFirst In, First Out; a method of organizing and manipulating data
File ExtensionThe suffix at the end of a filename that indicates the file type
File SystemThe method an operating system uses to name, store, and organize files
FilesharingThe practice of distributing or providing access to digital media
FintechFinancial technology; computer programs and technology used to support banking and financial services
Firmware UpdateThe process of replacing a device’s firmware with a newer version
Floating PointA method of representing real numbers in computers
Floppy DiskAn obsolete type of disk storage
FolderA virtual container for storing computer files
ForkA copy of a repository that allows experimentation without affecting the original project
FormulaAn expression that calculates a value in spreadsheet software
FORTRANFormula TRANslation; one of the earliest high-level programming languages
ForwardTo send an email or other message to a third-party
Frame RateThe frequency at which frames in a video are displayed
FTP ClientSoftware used to connect to FTP servers and transfer files

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