Computer words that start with Z with Meaning

Study computer-related words starting with the letter Z. Learn about different technical terms like “Zip File,” “Zero Trust,” “Zombie Process,” and more, along with their simple explanations. This list will help expand your understanding of common computer terminology and technology concepts. These words help to build your knowledge in the tech world.

image showing Computer Words Start With “Z”

Computer Words start with the letter Z

The following are the computer terms starting with Z:

Zip FileA compressed file format that reduces the size of files for storage or transfer
ZettabyteA unit of digital information equal to 10^21 bytes
Zero-DayA vulnerability in software that is exploited before a fix is available
Zombie ProcessA process that has been completed but still has an entry in the process table
Z-bufferingA technique in 3D graphics to manage depth coordinates in rendering
Zero LatencyA feature aiming for no delay in data transmission or processing
Zero-FillThe process of erasing data on a disk by overwriting it with zeros
ZigBeeA wireless communication protocol for low-power devices
Zone FileA file that contains DNS records for a domain
Zero Configuration (ZeroConf)Networking technology that allows automatic IP address configuration
Zero TrustA security model where no entity is trusted by default
ZoomA popular video conferencing software
Zero-Based IndexingAn indexing system where the first element is indexed as zero
Zigzag AlgorithmAn encoding algorithm used in compression techniques like JPEG
Zener DiodeA type of diode used in voltage regulation
ZFS (Zettabyte File System)A high-performance file system for managing large amounts of data
Zero-CopyA technique in computing where data is transferred without being copied
Z-buffer AlgorithmA method in 3D computer graphics to handle object overlap
Zone TransferThe process of copying DNS records from one server to another
Zero Insertion Force (ZIF)A type of socket that allows easy installation of processors
Zero Knowledge ProofA cryptographic method to prove knowledge without revealing the information
Z-orderThe stacking order of objects on a graphical interface
Zombie ComputerA computer that is remotely controlled without the owner’s knowledge
Zero-Coupon BondA financial term used in computing systems for bonds with no periodic interest payments
Zone-Based FirewallA firewall that divides a network into zones for different levels of security
Zeroing OutThe process of clearing data by setting all bits to zero
Zigzag ScanA pattern used in video compression to encode data
Zone AlarmA popular firewall and security software for personal computers
ZookeeperA centralized service for maintaining configuration in distributed systems
Zshell (Zsh)A powerful command-line shell for Unix systems
Zero DowntimeA system feature where services are available without any interruptions
ZippingThe process of compressing files into a zip format
Zen CodingA set of shortcuts used in code editors for faster HTML and CSS coding
ZilogA company known for designing early microprocessors like Z80
Zigzag LayoutA layout design for better readability in webpages or documents
Zero Balance AccountA banking term used in financial software for accounts with no balance
Zero CrossingA point where a signal waveform crosses the zero value on the axis
Zonal OCROptical character recognition that focuses on a specific zone or area
ZlibA software library used for data compression
Zonal MarkingA strategy used in security systems for monitoring specific zones
Zoom LensA camera lens that allows variable focal lengths, used in digital cameras
Zipping AlgorithmThe algorithm used in compressing files into zip format
Zone RenderingA method in 3D graphics for rendering specific zones of an image
Zero-Effort NetworksA network technology that requires minimal configuration from users
ZK-SNARKA type of cryptographic proof used in blockchain systems
Zero-PaddingThe process of adding zeros to the end of a binary sequence for alignment
Zero-Waste ComputingA computing approach focused on reducing electronic waste
Zone of TrustAn area in a network with trusted devices or users
Zero Click AttackA cyberattack that requires no interaction from the user to be executed

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