Computer words that start with W with Meaning

Study a comprehensive list of computer-related words that start with the letter W to boost your tech vocabulary. From Wi-Fi to Web Server. Each word has simple descriptions that help you understand how different technologies work. Perfect for students, tech lovers, and anyone looking to improve their understanding of computer terminology.

image showing Computer Words Start With letter W

Computer Words start with the letter W

The following are the computer terms starting with W:

WebA collection of interconnected documents and resources accessible via the internet
Wi-FiWireless networking technology that allows devices to connect to the internet
WidgetA small application or tool that performs a specific function on a device
Web BrowserA software application used to access and view websites
WAN (Wide Area Network)A network that spans a large geographic area, connecting multiple smaller networks
WebsiteA collection of related web pages under a single domain
WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)A wireless network within a limited area such as a home or office
WindowsA popular operating system developed by Microsoft
Word ProcessorA software application used for creating and editing text documents
Web ApplicationA software program that runs in a web browser and performs tasks over the internet
WormA type of malware that replicates itself to spread to other computers
WallpaperThe background image on a computer desktop or device screen
Wireless RouterA device that provides internet access to devices using wireless communication
Web ServerA computer system that hosts websites and serves web pages to users
WAV (Waveform Audio File)A standard audio file format for storing raw, uncompressed sound data
Word CountThe number of words in a document or text
Wearable TechnologySmart devices that can be worn on the body, such as smartwatches
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)A wireless communication standard for long-distance internet access
Web CrawlerAn automated program that browses and indexes websites for search engines
WildcardA symbol used in search queries or file management to represent one or more characters
Write ProtectionA mechanism that prevents data from being modified or erased from a storage device
WebmailAn email service that can be accessed through a web browser
WebhookA method of delivering real-time data between systems via web requests
White Hat HackerA cybersecurity expert who ethically tests systems for vulnerabilities
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)A design tool that shows exactly how content will look when published
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)A security protocol for protecting wireless networks
WSDL (Web Services Description Language)An XML-based language for describing web services
WebSocketA communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection
WAN OptimizationTechniques used to enhance the performance of wide-area networks
Word WrapA text editor feature that moves words to the next line to fit within the display area
Windows DefenderAn antivirus and anti-malware program built into Microsoft Windows
WhitelistingA security mechanism that allows only trusted entities to access a network or system
Wormhole AttackA network security threat where attackers tunnel packets over an unauthorized path
WatermarkA faint mark or logo embedded into digital media to indicate ownership
Web TrafficThe flow of data between users and websites
WikiA collaborative platform where users can create and edit content
WorkstationA high-performance computer designed for technical or scientific applications
WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication)A technology that allows real-time communication in web browsers
WireframeA visual blueprint of a web page or app, showing its structure and layout
WordPressA content management system used for building and managing websites
WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access II)An advanced security protocol used to protect Wi-Fi networks
Wired NetworkA network where devices are connected using physical cables
Write Once Read Many (WORM)A data storage technology where information can be written once but read multiple times
WorkgroupA group of interconnected computers that share resources within a network
Watchdog TimerA hardware or software timer that triggers a system reset if a problem is detected
Web CacheA mechanism for temporarily storing web documents to reduce bandwidth usage
Wi-Fi HotspotA location where wireless internet access is available
Word BoundaryA position in a text where one word ends and another begins
Web PortalA website that serves as a central hub for accessing various services and resources
WaveletA mathematical function used in data compression and signal processing
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)An outdated security protocol used to protect wireless networks
Writeback CacheA type of cache that temporarily stores data before writing it to permanent storage
WhitelistA list of trusted IP addresses, domains, or software allowed to access a network or system
Web InspectorA tool used by web developers to debug and inspect websites

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