Computer words that start with U

Comprehensive list of computer-related words that start with the letter U. Each word is explained with simple descriptions to help you understand important computer terms. The list includes words like Upload, URL, and User Interface, making it a useful guide for anyone building their technology vocabulary.

Computer Terms that start with U

The following is the list of Computer Terms that start with U with meaning:

UploadSending data from a device to a server or the internet.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)The address of a specific webpage or file on the internet.
User Interface (UI)The part of software that users interact with directly.
USB (Universal Serial Bus)A common port used to connect external devices to a computer.
UsernameA unique name is used to identify a user in a system.
UpdateNew software version that improves or fixes previous issues.
UnzipExtracting files from a compressed file.
UptimeThe total time a computer or system has been running without stopping.
UnicodeA standard used to represent text in different languages and symbols.
UndoA command to reverse the last action performed.
UpgradeReplacing old hardware or software with a newer version.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)A communication method that sends data without error checking.
User AccountA set of permissions and settings for a specific user in a system.
Utility SoftwarePrograms that help maintain or manage a computer system.
UsageThe amount of data or resources consumed by a user or program.
UninstallThe process of removing software from a computer.
User-FriendlyEasy to use, especially for people with little technical knowledge.
Upload SpeedThe speed at which data is sent from your device to the internet.
USB DriveA small portable storage device that connects via USB.
Untrusted SourceA website or file that may be dangerous or contain harmful content.
UnicastSending data from one device to another specific device.
Unallocated SpaceA portion of a hard drive that is not assigned to any partition.
UsabilityThe ease with which users can interact with a software or device.
UnderflowA situation where a number is smaller than the minimum limit.
UnsubscribeRemoving yourself from an email list or service.
UnbufferedData transmission without storing it temporarily in memory.
User ProfileInformation stored about a user’s preferences and settings.
Unified Threat Management (UTM)A security system that combines multiple tools to protect against threats.
Undo BufferMemory stores actions that can be undone.
UML (Unified Modeling Language)A standardized language used to design and visualize software.
Uniform Memory Access (UMA)A computer memory architecture where all processors share memory equally.
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)A protocol that allows devices to discover each other on a network and communicate.
UsenetA decentralized network is used for discussion forums and file sharing.
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)A unique number is used to identify information or objects in a system.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)A battery backup system that keeps devices running during a power failure.
Usage DataInformation about how a user interacts with a system or app.
Universal RemoteA device that can control multiple types of electronics.
User DatagramA packet of data is sent using the UDP protocol.
USB HubA device that allows multiple USB devices to be connected to one port.
User ModeA restricted mode where applications run, limiting access to system resources.
UnlockGaining access to a locked device or file by entering a password or code.
Unbuffered MemoryMemory modules that communicate directly with the memory controller.
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)A string that identifies a resource on the internet, like a URL.
Unsigned IntegerA whole number that cannot be negative.
Usage RightsThe permissions given to use a software or digital product.
Upload QueueA list of files waiting to be uploaded to a server.
Usage ReportA summary of how much a system or app has been used.
Undo StackA list of actions that can be undone in software.

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