Computer words that start with B with Meaning

Computers use many special words. These words help us understand how computers work and what they can do. Below is a comprehensive list of computer-related ‘B’ words, along with short descriptions. It helps you build your tech vocabulary.

Computer Terms that start with the Letter B

Here is the list of Computer words that start with B with Meaning:

BackboneThe main network connections that form the core of the internet
BackendServer-side of an application, handling data processing and storage
BackupA copy of data stored separately for safekeeping
BandwidthThe maximum rate of data transfer across a network
Base64A binary-to-text encoding scheme used in many internet protocols
BASICBeginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code; an early programming language
BatchA group of commands or jobs to be processed automatically in sequence
BatteryA power source for portable electronic devices
BaudUnit of measurement for data transmission speed
BBSBulletin Board System; an early form of online community
BinaryA base-2 number system used in computing (0s and 1s)
BIOSBasic Input/Output System; firmware used to perform hardware initialization
BitThe smallest unit of data in computing (binary digit)
BitcoinA decentralized digital cryptocurrency
BitmapA type of image file format that stores data as a map of bits
BlacklistA list of banned or blocked items (e.g., IP addresses, email addresses)
BlockchainA distributed ledger technology used in cryptocurrencies
BlogShort for weblog; a regularly updated website or web page
BluetoothA wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances
BooleanA data type with two possible values: true or false
BootThe process of starting up a computer
BotA software application that runs automated tasks over the internet
BotnetA network of private computers infected with malicious software
BounceWhen an email is returned to the sender due to an invalid address
BPSBits Per Second; a measure of data transfer speed
BranchA set of instructions that direct a program to a new location
BrowserSoftware used to access and view websites on the internet
BufferA temporary storage area for data being moved between two places
BugAn error or flaw in software that causes it to produce unexpected results
BurnTo write data onto a CD, DVD, or other optical media
BusA communication system that transfers data between components inside a computer
ByteA unit of digital information typically consisting of eight bits

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